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The F-Shaped Reading pattern

Getting Attention with the F-Shaped Reading Pattern When you write to be published, you want people to read your words. It doesn’t matter whether you’re writing a blog, an article, a news story… holding people’s attention is key. In that case, knowing a bit about how people scan articles is useful, as you can tailor


Using Graphs and Charts in Business Writing

Which Graphs and Charts Should You Use? So your task is to write a business document, such as a report or brochure, or even a blog post. You have lots of information to present that could make your reader drowsy faster than a sleeping pill.  What can you do to liven up your document? You


12 Tips for Using Tables in Business Writing

What’s Good About Using Tables in Business Writing? There are many reasons for using tables in business writing. In fact, there are 10 terrific reasons to use visual communication, such as tables, in your report. See my post, Visual Communication in Business Writing. For example, it is a great way to support your text.  It


Visual Communication in Business Writing

Why Should You Use Visual Communication in Business Writing? Your goal as a business professional is to produce clear writing.  As I point out in Write Now, informative and persuasive writing makes you look better. It also holds your readers’ attention.  It keeps them glued to your text.  And it helps sell your ideas, products


5 Things to Know When Writing For Generation Y

Be Authentic When Writing for Generation Y Writing for generation Y is the final post in our series about cross-generational communication.  Someone once said, “Good business is based on good communication.”  Communicating the right way with different generations is important to your success. Writing traditionalists, baby boomers or generation Xers has its special challenges. In


5 Things to Know When Writing For Generation X

Be Fast When Writing for Generation X Writing for generation X is the third post in our series about writing for today’s workforce. With its mix of generations, the modern workplace is filled with people of all ages.  So to get your message right it’s important to be aware of different communication styles. I know



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