3 Career Success Myths

Busting 3 Myths about a Having a Successful Career In my last few blog posts I’ve been giving you some great resume writing ideas. Writing a remarkable  resume that gets results is not as simple as it looks, especially if you are a non-native English speaker.  See for example, Smart Resume Writing for lots of


Smart Résumé Writing

Smart Resume Writing Ideas Welcome to the Competitive World Did you know that of any given 200 résumés, only 10 are error-free?  Would you believe that only five of these are clearly written with a focused message?  And it is these five résumés that get called for interviews – which is the top 2.5%. Interestingly,


5 Expert Resume Writing Tips

Resume Writing Tips That Set You Apart A colleague of mine once said to me: “Anyone can write a good resume.  What’s the big deal?”  I answered: “The big deal is that not everyone–including native speakers–can write a great resume.” In a previous blog post,  A CV or Resume Writing Checklist,  I shared 10 resume


8 Mistakes Not to Make in a Job Interview

What NOT to Do in a Job Interview You landed a job interview, and you’re about to start.  You feel confident because you prepared yourself well keeping in mind Andrea’s interview tips seen in a recent post: You learned a lot about the company from its website and other independent sources. You used social media


8 Interview Tips from Young Job Seeker

Smart Interview Tips I am always impressed when I come across sharp young people who radiate energy and enthusiasm, especially when they’re willing to share their secret interview tips. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Andrea, a bright 24-year-old communication major, at a networking event.  I learned she’s in the process of applying for

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