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8 Mistakes Not to Make in a Job Interview

What NOT to Do in a Job Interview You landed a job interview, and you’re about to start.  You feel confident because you prepared yourself well keeping in mind Andrea’s interview tips seen in a recent post: You learned a lot about the company from its website and other independent sources. You used social media


8 Interview Tips from Young Job Seeker

Smart Interview Tips I am always impressed when I come across sharp young people who radiate energy and enthusiasm, especially when they’re willing to share their secret interview tips. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Andrea, a bright 24-year-old communication major, at a networking event.  I learned she’s in the process of applying for


Interview Bloopers

Interview Bloopers: What Not To Say in a Job Interview Some people always seem to put their foot in their mouth, i.e., to say the wrong thing. According to Bill Lins, founder of Jobs4AllNow, people actually said these interview bloopers in real interviews. Interviewer: Why did you leave your last job? Interviewee: “I have a


Graduate Program Interview: 5 Successful Strategies for Grad Schemes

As you know, applying for a technology or business-related graduate program is a huge feat. You are probably a member of Wikijobs, you’ve already attended seminars and events, and have short-listed your companies. If you’ve submitted a series of applications, some will have responded with an invitation to psychometric testing. When you pass those tests,


5 Things to Do After a Job Interview

What to do after passing the job interview This is the fifth of a series of blog posts on how to get hired, aimed at non-native speakers of English looking for a job. Many young job candidates often wonder what to do after passing a job interview.   Do I sit on my hands and wait



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