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How to Write an Effective Sales Letter

Do you need to write an effective sales letter? Knowing how to write an effective sales letter or document enhances an executive’s or employee’s value to the organization. But it requires careful research, thought and discipline. Why not learn from a master, Warren Buffett, when you need to write an effective sales letter.  Buffet is


5 Things to Know When Writing For Baby Boomers

Be Open When Writing For Baby boomers This post on writing for baby boomers – my own generation – is the second in the series on how to write for different generations. As I point out in my book, Write Now and my post, Know Your Audience, shape the style and tone of your message


5 Things to Know When Writing For Traditionalists

Be Diplomatic When Writing For Traditionalists In my book, Write Now, I say that good communication starts with knowing your audience. Suppose you have to write to an older individual (notice I don`t use the word “old.”) It’s someone you could call a traditionalist. The Generational Imperative calls them the “Silent” generation. In my post,


Confusing Words: Problem Prepositions

Problem prepositions can be tricky   Let’s continue our series on confusing words: problem prepositions. I wrote recently about troublesome time expressions, such as a.m. vs. p.m. vs. m. and bimonthly versus semimonthly. Even native speakers of English have trouble with these expressions. When writing emails, reports or letters, you need to be crystal clear.


Confusing Words: Time Expressions

Here is another installment in our  series on “Confusing Words.”  Understanding confusing words – an important language skill – is always a work in progress, even in your first language.   I remember back to my early school days when I would keep a vocabulary notebook of difficult or confusing words. It has served me well


Writing for Digital Audiences

Digital Audiences Like Short Text Holy Short Attention Span, Batman! You need to keep your reader’s attention. That’s probably the most important aspect to this series on writing for a digital audience. Reading a webpage is not like reading a book. There are probably thousands of other websites that cover the same topic that you’re



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