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Letter Writing Format

Traditional Letter Writing Format Business letter writing format can vary. I like to use the traditional letter writing format which can have some or all of the following features. In this post I have created a sample letter and underneath I have explained what each element is and how it is supposed to be used.


How To Give An Informative Talk

If you are a manager, employee, freelance consultant or business owner, you probably have to give many different kinds of talks as part of your work. These presentations could be informative, demonstrative (“how to”) or persuasive talks.  There also may be situations where you have to give a special-occasion talk or an impromptu speech. Your goal


Persuasion: Winning Your Audience

How good are you at persuasion? Are you a job applicant selling yourself to a recruiter or an employer?  Do you need to talk publicly? If so, you need to use persuasion. Knowing how to use persuasion is crucial to your success. Public speaking experts will often refer to examples of persuasive speeches by famous people,



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